【Torchwood】A Blip In Time

如果聲音會演戲,GDL這一段的演出真的值得大大的掌聲。配上Secondhand Serenade悠揚卻悲傷的音樂,讓我不得不一聽再聽。

“They say you’re supposed to talk to people when they’re in a coma, don’t they? I have absolutely no idea whether you can hear me Jack. I never heard of anyone coming out of one and carrying on the conversation. So I suspect it’s probably something the doctors tell us to do. To make us feel better, rather than help you. We don’t feel quite so useless and helpless. We get the feeling there’s still some sort of purpose in our lives. We’re not just waiting. Waiting for the science to work. Or the miracle to happen. Or the nightmare to end. I’m not much of a talker Jack, you know that, but I’ll talk to you now on the off chance that it helps.


Just promise me, if you’re hearing this, that when you come round - and you’re going to Jack. You’re gonna come out of this - just promise me you’ll bring up anything I say to you now. How’s that? We got a deal?


This must be the longest I’ve ever looked at you and not see you smile. I’ve watched you in your sleep, did you know that? So many times. Just woken up beside you in the middle of the night, and watched you. Watched your eyes move behind your eyelids as you dreamed. I tried to imagine what a man like you could possibly dream about. Things you’ve seen. The lives you’ve lived. The people you’ve loved. I wondered if you were dreaming about me, I hoped you’d be dreaming about me.


But let’s be honest Jack. I’m nothing more than a blip in time for you. Everyday I grow a little older. But you’re immortal. You’ve already lived a thousand lifetimes. How could you watch me grow old and die? How can I watch you live and never age a day? I suppose we both know that will never be a problem. Not in this job. No-one in Torchwood ever lives to draw their pension, do they? Even if, by some miracle, I survive to see my hair turn grey, or god forbid fall out, I don’t kid myself that you’d still be around to see it.


One day you’ll go again, just like you did before, and this time you won’t be back. Maybe that’s what you’re dreaming about those nights when I watch you sleeping. Maybe that’s why, even when you sleep, I see you smile. But you haven’t gone yet, Jack. I know that. I know you’re coming back to me.”




P.S GDL的聲音真的非常非常非常的好聽。(很適合哄人入眠)


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Speechless。少言's 201001。北島冬日 photoset Speechless。少言's 201001。北島冬日 photoset
I'm done here, truly.
