Cheer Up

The night you called, I'd been listening to the sound of rain all day long. It seemed that the typhoon had brought Taipei into winter time with those annoying rain.

I saw you staying at the closed store, half wet, and looking a little miserable. You said that you had a bad day. "Bad Hair Day, uh?" I asked. It means that you feel bad as soon as you wake up. Well, kind of your situation?

But you said it's more that that.

I know how it feels when someone talks behind you. It feels awful; I know.

'Well, it's been just two weeks, and someone bitched about you? Don't you think it's a little too fast? Seems that you failed in meeting new friends.' Glad I didn't say that; bad timing, and you just looked not in the mood for jokes.

It's only two weeks and someone bitched about you. It sucks. Of course.

For me, I think sometimes people may just don't like people, and it happens all the time, in any other way, what so ever. You can't contral it; in stead, you have to accept it.

I know exact how it feels not fitting in those people, especially I just finished lunch with them. And I understand that I'm just that kind of person, the kind cannot find the right words to say, the kind of outsider, the kind people may easily forget. But yeah, whatever. 沛鈞 said that I was quiet today, and maybe that's actually who I am. And I'm glad that, at least, I'm harmless. I think.

Anyway, uh, as my teachers said, shit happens. And it's life. Life sucks, and always does, but you can't be upset for so long, because life's too short to be sad.


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iamawithoutrooter 提到...

一樣的雨天 賴床賴到十一點 昨晚瘋狂的室友使我徹夜未眠 他們好吵!
我不討厭雨天 只是怪他總是在我難過的時候下雨
今年的中秋節 我沒看到滿月 卻是陰雨綿綿
跟去年比起來 真是強烈的對比 就像純黑對上了純白
今年台灣的中秋 不晴月缺席 人依然不團圓 那麼 或許我能先預約明年?
媽媽對我說 兒子啊 下雨的時候 不要戴隱形眼鏡出門 不然會感染的
可是我總是帶著出門 我想看清前方的路 我想讓雨水流進我的眼睛
我跟你一樣 也想預約明年的中秋節
還有…. 我可以預約禮拜三下午嗎?
Speechless。少言's 201001。北島冬日 photoset Speechless。少言's 201001。北島冬日 photoset
I'm done here, truly.
